Awnings Are The Answer


Well, summer has arrived for us here in Florida. It means intense heat and humidity, which comes with higher electric bills, am I right? Now you might be tempted to just crank up your air conditioner and sit in front of a fan to escape from the heat. Trust me I totally get it, and I’ve got your back.

Gone are the days when we need to hide from the heat my friend, I am here to show you a better way. Instead of barricading ourselves inside, let’s embrace the sunshine but keep your house cooler, and your bills lower by installing a patio awning.

There are many benefits to protecting your patio or pool area with an awning. One of the great things about awnings is they do more than just keep you and your family cooler, but they also do the same for your fur babies. You are protecting them from harmful UV rays and potential sunburn, creating a safer more comfortable environment.

With the added protection of a retractable awning, you and your family can get back to making summer memories in the pool and having picnics on the patio… your family will thank you.

Awnings are the answer for sure when it comes to keeping the heat outside; they help keep your house about 15 degrees cooler. But it will also help to protect and preserve your outdoor furnishings, such as a TV, the grill, and your patio furniture. That sounds like a win-win to me.

Another great place to consider putting a retractable awning is in the front of your house, over the porch or driveway. Now you’re getting double the interior heat protection and protecting one of your most valuable assets. This will help provide shade from the sun that might otherwise would be shining on your porch or car, causing damage, and fading colors. Plus, it will also help keep you dry when the weather all the sudden decides to down poor while you are trying to bring the groceries in the house.

Well, my friends I could go on and on about the benefits of having a custom awning installed but, I think you get the point. I know you will do the right thing by giving us a call for your FREE proposal. You really owe it to yourself and your family, and we can’t wait to hear from you. Don’t forget get to check out our social media pages and come back next week for more Tuesday Tips!