A Good Night’s Sleep

For most of us to properly function throughout the day, we need an average of seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night. Now, you might think you are getting adequate sleep, but here are some ways you can tell.

If you are having a hard time concentrating during the day, it could be a sign that you are not sleeping well at night.

Feeling a lack of sufficient energy during the day, can also be an indicator of poor sleep patterns.

Even slight depression or lack of interest in things, can be a result of poor sleep quality.

These problems should not be ignored; they can result in very serious health issues. Some studies suggest a correlation between inadequate sleep and illness such as, decreased immunity, diabetes, and even curtain cancers.

So now that you know how important it is to get a full night’s rest, let’s talk about ways you can be intentional when it comes time for bed.

Make sure you are limiting long naps during the day; short naps can be refreshing and are not usually a problem, but long naps could be.

Consider reducing your caffeine consumption; some people are sensitive enough to caffeine that it causes sleep disturbances.

Of course, we all know the value of exercising regularly, but did you know it is also known to improve sleep quality? Now you might be thinking, ok captain obvious, we all know that.

Well did you also know that room temperature, light exposure, and even your bedding can affect your sleep quality?

Did you know that sleep and medical experts say, a person gets optimal sleep when the temperature in their room is between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit? People who sleep in temperatures that go above 67 degrees, don’t stay in REM sleep, or deep sleep, for more then 1 to 2 hours at a time.

Consider replacing your old blinds with new blackout curtains; this will add extra insulation in your room, assuring that it says nice and cool when you are sleeping.

Another thing to consider is how much light is getting into your room at night? Do you wake up if headlights pass by? Or maybe the automatic streetlights that come on when it gets dark outside and stay on until the sun rises in the morning? Both can interrupt proper sleep patterns.

Consider Roller shades or blinds to reduce light intrusion and to help you stay asleep at night and wake up feeling ready for the day.

Try changing out your bed linens and window treatments and see what a difference it can make!

I hope these tips help ensure that you get the adequate amount of sleep, so you can wake up ready to tackle the day! Of course, if you need new window treatments as well, we are happy to help.

Stop by our social media and say hi, and don’t forget to come back next week for more Tuesday Tips!