Your Perfect Pantry

Let’s talk about pantries today. The pantry stores and organizes the food items we will use to prepare meals for our family, and it should provide quick access to the items we use most often. A good organizer is worth its weight in gold!

Not only does a pantry organizer make cooking easier, having a well-organized pantry can inspire you to cook more nutritiously and stick to your grocery list when food shopping.

So, what are some of the ways a good pantry organizer will make a difference?

It can offer larger shelving, to store the bigger appliances you might not use as often, such as your Instapot and crockpot. Vertical shelving is great for your cooking sheets and breadboards and Pull-out shelving is a great way to access items that you use on a regular basis.

Take advantage of your custom spaces by adding clear or labeled containers for your dry good and seasonings. This will also be super helpful when it comes time to make your grocery list, you will always know what you are running low on. Don’t forget to add shelf dividers for your canned foods, this will keep them organized and out of your way.

While this would not necessarily be IN the pantry, consider a decorative wine rack or two, and display your favorite wine beautifully, this also adds value to your home as well.

Having quick access to items when you are cooking is life changing. It can make your daily routine of cooking for the family a little more enjoyable. At Statewide blinds we offer built in custom pantries, which will help keep you organized and fit your family’s needs perfectly.

Well, there you have it, you are already on your way to having the best pantry on your block. Make sure you stop by our social media to say hi and come back next Tuesday for more tips.